Julieanne Kost is a Principal Evangelist at Adobe Systems, responsible for fostering relationships with customers through meaningful and inspirational Photoshop and Lightroom instruction. As a highly sought-after speaker for the industry-standard Digital Imaging franchise, she devises and presents motivating and educational training sessions, sharing original techniques and tutorials worldwide — via live events, Adobe.com, her own website (jkost.com) and blog.
Read MorePhoto Walkthrough: Sunset at the Louvre
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the creating and the processing of an image he made while visiting Paris where he is conducting interviews for his podcast, The Candid Frame. With an image he created at the Louvre, he explains how he discovered the scene and composed it by discovering the setting and building from there. He then walks you through his process for editing the image in Adobe Lightroom CC.
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The Candid Frame #373 - Matt Kloskowski
Matt Kloskowski is mentor/coach for everything photography related (Lightroom, Photoshop and Photography). He's a bestselling author of over 20 books and teaches photography, Lightroom and Photoshop at seminars and conferences around the world.
Read MoreBlack and White Conversion #3 - Macphun Tonality Pro
For this continuing series on black and white conversions, we share a demonstration of Macphun Tonality Pro. Starting in Adobe Lightroom, we walk you through the process of taking a flat color file and converting it into a high contrast black and white photograph.
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Black and White Conversion #2 - Silver Efex Pro II
In the second in a series of videos, Ibarionex walks you through a black and white conversion using Adobe Lightroom and Silver Efex Pro II. In this video, he demonstrates how he processes a color image in Lightroom in preparation for editing the image in the b&w plug-in.
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Black and White Conversion #1 - Adobe Lightroom
Spurred by questions from viewers of the TCF YouTube Channel, we are introducing a series of videos that walk through the different ways that Ibarionex converts his color photographs into black and white photographs. This videos will discuss his approach begin with Adobe Lightroom and in subsequent videos will include the use of several third-party plug-ins.
Read MoreRevisiting Old Images - NYC 2009
I was asked to look into my archive for an image an article being written by a friend of mine. It resulted in me browing through a set of images that I took back in 2009, when I was teaching a photo workshop in New York.
Most of the images made that day were created more for scouting locations rather than walking away with some good imagery. So, I didn't give many of these photographs any considerations when I made them and after I returned home. I simply downloaded the images and moved on to the next project.
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