In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how and why he chooses to create a vertical rather than a horizontal composition. He explains how choosing to go vertical can eliminate distracting elements from the composition while at the same time emphasizing the presence of repeating lines and shapes.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #457 - Mark Thiessen
Mark Thiessen has been a photographer with National Geographic since 1990 and on staff since 1997.
He is widely published in all areas of the National Geographic Society, including National Geographic magazine, National Geographic Adventure magazine, and National Geographic Traveler magazine. National Geographic books that feature Thiessen's work include Return to Midway, which documents the discovery of the U.S.S. Yorktown, and Baseball as America, a look at the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #456 - An Rong Xu
An Rong Xu is a New York City-based photographer and director. Born in China and raised in New York City’s Chinatown, Xu explores the world around him through his unique cultural perspective.
Read MoreReal World Photography: Building Layered Compositions
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how he attempted to create layered compositions while documenting a recent Black History Parade. He shows both successful and less successful images to explain how he observed and photographed each scene.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #455 - Michael A. McCoy
Michael A. McCoy is a Washington D.C. based freelance photojournalist and a two-time combat veteran. In his work as a photographer, he sees himself as a visual storyteller. He is devoted to his documentary and environmental portraiture work which includes his personal project Invisible Wounds which explores the lingering impact of PTSD on veterans.
Read MoreSeeing the Little Things: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of seeing the little things, those little details that can really transform a photograph. It can be something as simple as a gesture or the juxtaposition of different elements within the frame, but when carefully seen can ensure that you come away with a strong image.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #454 - Stella Johnson
Stella Johnson is a photographer and educator known for her passionate and honest documentary projects. She received a Core Fulbright Scholar Grant to photograph in Mexico in 2003, and Fulbright Senior Specialist grants to teach in Mexico in 2006 and in Colombia in 2018. The University of Maine Press published her monograph, Al Sol: Photographs from Mexico, Cameroon and Nicaragua in 2008. Johnson’s photographs have been widely exhibited in the United States and internationally.
Read MoreThe Light at Night: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how to identify and photograph street scenes at night. He emphasizes the importance of considering the same elements of light and shadow, line and shape, color and gesture when searching for interesting subject matter.
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The Candid Frame #453 - Ibarionex Perello w/ Jamie Rose
In this unusual episode, photojournalist and documentary photographer Jamie Rose conducts an exhaustive interview with TCF host, Ibarionex Perello about his life, including his career as a photographer, writer, and podcaster. It even includes a temporary sidetrack as a stand-up comic. The conversation examines some of the challenges he has faced professionally and personally, including a recent diagnosis of ADHD.
Read MoreCreating a Richer Image: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses what to look for to create richer and interesting compositions. He explains how the repetition of color, lines, and shapes help to compliment the main elements within any photographic composition.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #452 - Valerie Jardin
Valerie Jardin is a popular street and travel photographer, educator and host of the Hit the Street podcast. After leaving a successful career as a professional commercial photographer, she dedicated herself to her personal photography and conducting photo experiences both in the United States and Europe.
She has recently turned her lens to more personal projects including a series of environmental portraits of artists that live and work in her community.
Read MoreLeveraging Diagonals for Composition: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how to use the diagonal lines of a scene and your subjects for better compositions. He was spurred to discuss the subject after someone asked him how to build an interesting composition when you don’t have the benefit of dramatic lighting.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #451 - Jens Krauer
Jens Krauer is a street photographer, educator and podcaster based in Switzerland. In a relatively short time, he has become a talented photographer and brings a thoughtful philosophy to the practice of making images. As the host of the FujiLove podcast, he frequently interviews photographers not only about their use of Fuji cameras, but also their varied approaches to making photographs.
Read MoreSeeing at Home: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how to challenge your photographic eye when documenting your own living space. He suggests that you consider using your own environment for a potential subject matter, providing you ready access with which to practice your photographic skills.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #450 - David Burnett
David Burnett is a photojournalist with more than 5 decades of work covering the news, the people, and visual tempo of our age. He is co-founder of Contact Press Images, the New York based photojournalism agency.
Read MoreOlaf & Ibarionex: On Pictures Ep. 1
In this week's video, Ibarionex and Olaf Sztaba discusses the compositional choices in several images Though the conversation began with no particular agenda in mind, it clearly became evident that there was a common motif that linked all these images. That was related to how the photographers carefully composed their compositions by paying attention not only to a subject, but also the setting/scene where they were photographing.
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