In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about waiting for a moment in your photographs. Rather than snapping blindly, this video suggests observing all the elements in a scene and waiting for the flourish or gestures that helps to tell a story or produce visual tension.
Read MoreComposing Around Gesture: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of gesture and how to build a composition around it.
Normally, each week we pull images submitted by listeners to The Candid Frame Flickr pool. You can submit images for consideration in these weekly videos as well as become part of a growing community of photographers.
Read MoreWhen to Go Vertical: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how and why he chooses to create a vertical rather than a horizontal composition. He explains how choosing to go vertical can eliminate distracting elements from the composition while at the same time emphasizing the presence of repeating lines and shapes.
Read MoreReal World Photography: Building Layered Compositions
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how he attempted to create layered compositions while documenting a recent Black History Parade. He shows both successful and less successful images to explain how he observed and photographed each scene.
Read MorePurposefully Casual: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the idea of creating images that appear purposefully casual. By this, he means how a photographer uses graphic elements to compose a photograph but creates a result that comes off as very subtle and calls less attention to the actual presence of the photographer.
Read MoreThe Importance of Human Gesture
During my time in San Francisco attending StreetFotoSF, I was reminded of the importance of human gesture. It was something that I found of particular importance both in my own 2-day workshop as well as the Cage Match, where I and three other photographers critiqued images.
Read MoreCapturing the Embrace: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how to capture intimate photographs of human affection. He explains why it is important to not only capture the moment of human interaction but also to carefully consider the other elements within the frame.
Read MorePhoto: Mahesh Balasubramanian
What's in Your Foreground: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about the importance of including elements in the foreground of a composition. He discusses how including such elements can help control the viewer’s experience of the composition as well as direct the viewer’s attention to the key elements in the frame.
Read MorePhoto: Vitor Damasio
Light, Setting & Gesture: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about his process of evaluating a scene for light, setting, and gesture. By paying attention to these qualities of a scene, he begins to build his compositions, increasing the likelihood of producing an excellent photograph. He describes how analyzing a scene in this way becomes a repeatable process that can improve your success rate.
Read Morephoto: d_horton
Body Language: Images from The Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about the importance of body language and how that can elevate the impact of a composition.
Each week we pull images submitted by listeners to The Candid Frame Flickr pool. You can submit images for consideration in these weekly videos as well as become part of a growing community of photographers.
Read Morephoto: John Krill
Using Hats: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we explore how to include people with hats as an important graphic element in a photograph. This is more than just photographing someone wearing a hat, but rather seeing as an important visual part of the picture that adds that all important flourish to the shot.
Read Morephoto: Gustavo Gomes
The Importance of Body Language: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we explore the importance of body language for making an exceptional photograph on the street.
It’s far too easy to fall into the rut of just photographing people walking down the street. There’s nothing special there. But then there are other moments when people express themselves or evoke something in their body language that results in a wonderful photograph.
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Seeing the Setting: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, explore the importance of exploring the setting and not focusing solely on the subject. We demonstrate how by paying attention at the overall scene and using the subject as a flourishing element can result in an exceptional image.
Read Morephoto: Aaron Mitchell
Relationships: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we explore how we can reveal relationships and interactions between people in street scenes. Moving beyond capturing subjects in isolation, we challenge the street photographer to explore how people behave, interact and reveal themselves in a public space.
Read Morephoto: Robert Miller
Photographing thru Windows: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's TCF video, we discuss the common street photography motif of photographing strangers through windows. We focus not only on the choice of subject, but also the importance of reflection, lighting, color and the telling gesture.
Read Morephoto: Michael Sutton
Seeing Different: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this latest TCF video, we pull images submitted by listeners to podcast to discuss the concept of “seeing different”, making different choices to improve the impact of a photograph.
Submit your own images to the TCF Flickr pool and join the growing community of photographers. If you like what you see, please subscribe to The Candid Frame YouTube Channel.
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