In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about how he draws inspiration from the thousands of images submitted to the TCF Flickr pool. He share how some of these images challenges the way he sees and photographs out on the street.
Read Morephoto: Marco Scuderi
Images from the Flickr Pool: Photographing Thru Windows
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses photographing subject's through a window. He addresses the challenges faced when photographing strangers in a cafe, restaurant or bar and how it's important to stay aware of your frame when making compositions.
Read Morephoto: John Krill
Using Hats: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we explore how to include people with hats as an important graphic element in a photograph. This is more than just photographing someone wearing a hat, but rather seeing as an important visual part of the picture that adds that all important flourish to the shot.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame Joins the TWIP Network
I'm really excited to announce that The Candid Frame is now part of the TWIP Network. Led by my friend Frederick Van Johnson, TWIP is shaping up to be a powerful network of photography podcasts of which I'm glad to be a part.
Read Morephoto: Kevin Ballance
Creating Depth: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we talk about creating depth through camera position and element placement within the composition. Using images submitted to The Candid Frame podcast Flickr pool, Ibarionex, demonstrates how graphic lines can lead to more dynamic and successful images.
Read Morephoto: Street in Motion
Awareness of Color: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we talk about the role of color in our photographs. We discuss how the choice of colors, color saturation, and color contrast can impact the success of a photography.
Submit your own images to the TCF Flickr pool and join the growing community of photographers. If you like what you see, please subscribe to The Candid Frame YouTube Channel.
Read Morephoto: Erik Stabile
Environmental Portraits: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this weeks video, we discuss the elements of an effective environmental portrait in which the space that the person is occupying is as important as the subject itself. Pulling images from the The Candid Frame Flickr pool, we provide tips and insight into what it takes to make a good environmental portrait.
Read Morephoto: Ingejte Tadros
Photographing at Night: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this latest TCF YouTube video, we talk about the benefits and challenges of photographing at night. Though today's cameras provide greater advantages for shooting in the evening, under low light, it's not something that's often taken advantage by many of today's photographers. It would seem that the idea of shooting at night doesn't seem to as ideal a time for photography as the day time. However, these images demonstrate that there may be just as many great opportunities for great photographs waiting for us well after the sun has set.
Read Morephoto: David Hufford
Changing Perspective: Images from the Flickr Pool
This week we talk about perspective, physically changing the position of the camera relative to the subject. So many photographs are made by with us standing upright and bringing the camera to the eye. But what happens when we get lower to the ground or even higher. How does that impact our compositions. We find out using some of the recent images that have been contributed to The Candid Frame Flickr pool.
Read Morephoto: Bill Gekas
Random Pix: Images from the TCF Flickr Pool
In this video, Ibarionex chooses some recent submissions to The Candid Frame Flickr pool just because he likes them. He describes what it is about the images that appeals to him and how each photographer succeeds in making an interesting and beautiful image.
To submit your images and join the TCF community online, just visiting The Candid Frame Flickr page and ask to join. And if you enjoy these YouTube videos, please subscribe to the TCF YouTube Channel.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame Listener Survey
As part of our goals to improve the content of The Candid Frame podcast and website, we are asking for you to fill our a brief survey, which let's us learn more about you. Please take the time to answer the questions, which will help us to customize our offerings to you in the coming weeks and months.
Your responses will be used to help us choose guests, topics as well as adding more content to the website and the YouTube channel.
We thank you for your passion and continued support of the show. You are a big part of what makes The Candid Frame a success.
Photo: Adam Garelick
Characters: Images from the TCF Flickr Pool
In our latest YouTube video, we talk about photographer characters. Whether they are people we know or strangers we encounter in public, these characters provide us as photographers great opportunities to make unique and beautiful portraits. Even without the benefit of lighting, expensive equipment or even control over the environment, we still have many choices we can make to make a wonderful image.
Read MorePhoto: Michael Meinhardt
No Cliche Street Photography
In this video, we talk about street photography or my specifically non-cliche street photography. Great street photography is more than snaps of people walking down the street. It's also about color, shape, gesture, human interaction and more. We focus on some of great images that fall into the category of street photography and discuss how the public world we all inhabit can provide inspiration for really great photographs.
Culled from images submitted by listeners to The Candid Frame, we briefly share how you might use shadow in your images to create images with greater impact.
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photo credit: Ziemwit Maj
Looking at Shadows - Images for the TCF Flickr Pool
In this video, we explore the importance of the shadow. Shadow can not only tell us a lot about the quality of the light, but it can also provide a context for the brighter areas of the frame. Though it can obscure certain detailed with in the composition, it can actually help to reveal the most important element within the frame whether it's color, texture, shape, line or even a gesture.
Culled from images submitted by listeners to The Candid Frame, we briefly share how you might use shadow in your images to create images with greater impact.
Read MoreNew Website/New Look - Walkthrough
Here is a brief walkthrough video on some of the new changes on the TCF podcast site that I hope you will find helpful. Subscribe the The Candid Frame YouTube Channel to enjoy more content from TCF.