If you have ever attended a workshop of mine, there is one rant you will always here and will likely always remember. I hate white cars.
Read MoreIbarionex Featured in Street Photography Magazine
I was recently interviewed for the cover article for the August issue of Street Photography Magazine. I'm both flattered and honored to be included in a magazine that has published stories and images on dozens of very talented photographers.
Read MoreThe Importance of Human Gesture
During my time in San Francisco attending StreetFotoSF, I was reminded of the importance of human gesture. It was something that I found of particular importance both in my own 2-day workshop as well as the Cage Match, where I and three other photographers critiqued images.
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Photo Critiques: How to Make the Most of Them
For over 25 years, I have been a photo educator in one form or another. Whether as a writer, adjunct professor or a workshop leader, I had shared my knowledge and experience with thousands of photographers with varying levels of experience.
However, there have been times when I am the student. And regardless of what I know, or think I know, there is always some insight to be gained when I am listening to another person sharing their knowledge and experience.
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Seeing Rather than Looking
I am always working on seeing rather than looking.
For me seeing is an active act, a conscious decision to observe the world especially its more subtle and nuanced offerings.
Read MoreStaying in the Moment
A photographer friend once told me a story of when he was photographing in a Tibetan monastery. He was creating images over several days when he noticed one of the monks carefully observing him. The monk watched him as he photographed, but never approached him or said a word. There was a moment when the photographer thought that the monk thought he was doing something wrong, though the link didn’t choose to verbalize it.
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Photo: Magnum Photos
Do Great Photographers Make Bad Pictures?
The greatest source of education and inspiration for me has been looking at the work of great photographers. I have spent endless hours looking thru the monographs of Gordon Parks, Mary Ellen Mark, Roy DeCarava, Josef Koudelka, Tina Modotti, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Robert Frank, William Albert Allard and countless others. Those moments leave me marveling at the unique way a person can see the world and capture a moment with a camera.
Read MoreKeeping a Photo Journal
Keeping a photo journal has proved incredibly helpful for my photography. I do more than just keep notes about shutter speeds and apertures. Instead, it’s an opportunity for me to turn the lens on myself and evaluate my process for making images.
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