In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about going beyond choosing an interesting subject to photograph. He suggests being more purposeful with how you frame the subject/scene in ways that allow you to make the photograph your own.
Read MoreVancouver with the Fujifilm x100F
In this week's video, Ibarionex shares photographs that he created from his recent trip to Vancouver, Canada. Along with photographer, Olaf Sztaba, Ibarionex taught a 2.5-day workshop exploring the city and teaching his approach to photography. He discusses a few of the images he created with his Fujifilm x100F.
Read MorePhotographing Summer Events: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex suggests taking advantage of summer events (concerts, festivals, farmers markets, etc) to create intimate street photography. As people are more comfortable with the presence of a camera, it provides the perfect opportunity to photograph people being people.
Read MoreEric Castro
Capturing Humanity: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of capturing a sense of humanity in your street photography. Spurred by a group critique session that he participated in during StreetFotoSF, he shares why photographing aspect of what it means to be human can be so important for a successful photograph.
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Street Photography Anywhere: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how good street photography can be created even if you are not in a big city with a lot of foot traffic. By paying attention to light and shadow, you can discover scenes that can result in some wonderful photography.
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Fujifilm x100s in Paris Revisited
In this week's video, Ibarionex revisits his use of the Fujifilm x100s on a recent trip to Paris. This a follow-up to his first video in which he discussed his initial use of the camera for his first trip to Europe. Now, he discusses why he chose not to upgrade to a new camera and how he uses the principles he shares in his YouTube video to make his photographs.
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Body Language: Images from The Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about the importance of body language and how that can elevate the impact of a composition.
Each week we pull images submitted by listeners to The Candid Frame Flickr pool. You can submit images for consideration in these weekly videos as well as become part of a growing community of photographers.
Read Morephoto: Evi Herlyna
On the Phone: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about photographing the common scene of people on their smart phones. Though many photographers lament people’s obsessions with looking at these small screens at all hours of the day, such moments can provide great photographs if you know what to look for.
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Images from the Flickr Pool: The Moment
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of "the moment". It's that specific instant in which every element in the frame comes together to provide the potential for an exceptional photograph.
Read Morephoto: Andreas Neophytou
Staying Open: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, we talk about the importance of being open, of moving beyond our own visual routine and exploring all possibilities. Using 3 examples, we discuss how seeing a scene, a subject or a moment from a different perspectives can help to produce unique and exciting images.
Read Morephoto: Gustavo Gomes
The Importance of Body Language: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we explore the importance of body language for making an exceptional photograph on the street.
It’s far too easy to fall into the rut of just photographing people walking down the street. There’s nothing special there. But then there are other moments when people express themselves or evoke something in their body language that results in a wonderful photograph.
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photo: Andrew Gibbins
In a Crowd: Images from The Flickr Pool
In this week's video, we talk about photographing in crowds. Whether it's a festival, fair or a public religious festival, such an event provides a wonderful opportunity to photograph strangers with little to no push back.
Using images submitted by listeners to the TCF Flickr pool, we discuss how camera position, lighting, camera to subject distance can impact a photograph where you are including a lot of people.
Read Morephoto: Benjiman Brown
Photographing Street Performers: Images from the Flickr Pool
In our latest video, we explore how to make better photographs of street performers. We explore the importance not only of the subject, but also the background, foreground, lighting and considerations for making better, simpler and strong compositions.
Read Morephoto: Mike Beecham
This Week's Favorites: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we focus on three images that we particular liked. Though there is no specific theme or idea that we focus on, we hope that it provides some examples of what makes a good street photograph stand out.
Read Morephoto: Robert Miller
Photographing thru Windows: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's TCF video, we discuss the common street photography motif of photographing strangers through windows. We focus not only on the choice of subject, but also the importance of reflection, lighting, color and the telling gesture.
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Dogs + Walking + Photography
I’ve had been in need of a creative challenge. That uneasy feeling of wanting to do something different, to push past my comfort zone had been gnawing at me for months. Yet, I was not addressing that hunger as I was making so many other things in my life the priority.
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